20 August 2022
On Friday, August 19, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. the opening of my exhibition "God in Tin Cans" took place in the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Church in Neuss.
On Friday, August 19, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. the opening of my exhibition "God in Tin Cans" took place in the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Church in Neuss.
Recently I tried out an old toner recipe together with photo friend Jens Bachem.
On Sunday, May 20 /2018, starts my exhibition "Gott in Dosen" (God in tin cans) in the Sigtunastiftelsen, Sigtuna, Schweden. Vernissage takes place from 1:00 PM.
The light in the North is different. The long dusk and twilight in Stockholm have always fascinated me. It was reason enough to start a series of pictures in Scandinavia's nightly metropole ...